My Sozo Story

I started yoga last February when Kara opened SOZO. I originally started to support Kara and work on flexibility. I hated hot yoga in the beginning and Kara kept encouraging me to come until I got used to it and now I crave the heat! I can definitely say that I am much more flexible…..but have found so much more than flexibility! The SOZO community is one like no other - such a loving, kind, encouraging, incredible group of people! Everyone is very focused on their own practice and not paying attention to your practice - so you never feel judged or intimidated - just encouraged and supported!!!

Kara is great at gently pushing you to deepen your practice so that you’re always growing! I love the people the MOST, second place is what it’s done for me mentally. Yoga is the only place I truly check out and feel so” in the moment” during practice. It’s taught me to use my breath effectively, which makes a huge difference in how I handle my days. Kara asked me to share a photo, and I love this one best because when I started yoga, I couldn’t even sit in this posture (fixed firm) with my bottom on the ground - now look at me!! Yoga makes me a better and happier person! I am so incredibly thankful for our SOZO community!


My Sozo Story


my sozo story