My Sozo Story

I’ve always been a runner and never had much interest in yoga (after all, who has time to sit around and stretch for an hour?!)- but SOZO has changed that. 

Over the past year as our family grew from five to seven and has been navigating the beauty and pain of adoption, I found myself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally exhausted. I reached a point where all I wanted was to sit in a quiet room and have someone tell me how to breathe. What I found at SOZO was more than that. 

I walked in the door feeling unsure and out of place and very quickly felt at home. Practicing yoga at SOZO has given me friendships I wasn’t expecting, is strengthening my body again, and is helping me practice the discipline to be still. (And I know my family appreciates my more regulated nervous system!) I’m so grateful that God is using yoga in my life and that I’ve found this community!


My Sozo Story


My Sozo Story